PreviewHeart Intelligence is an expression of experiences by the author about what it takes to be in the moments of life, hence infusing a talent for wellbeing within all realms of life. Biologist and internationally acclaimed Sustainability and Behavioural Science expert, Gabriel Iqbal translates his visions into pragmatic disciplines by reviewing archetypes and paradigms from all spiritual traditions and interlaces them with cutting edge research in multi-disciplinary fields such as quantum physics, neurobiology, motivational psychology and revisionary metaphysics. Masterpieces of human enlightenment that include the works of Rumi, Lao Tsu, Carl Jung, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Blake, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, George Bernard Shaw, Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain, Tagore, Leo Tolstoy, Blaise Pascal, together with the brilliant scientific works of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Carl Sagan, and environmental stewardship of John Muir, Rachel Carlson, David Suzuki, David Attenborough, Al Gore, E. O. Wilson including others are reflected upon in fresh light; while addressing an ever increasing need for exploring potential dimensions in Global Human Consciousness for achieving biological coexistence and a journey towards new worlds without the need for conquest and anthropocentrism. In bridging the gap of our spiritual and scientific vacuum, Gabriel draws a beautiful adventure with vivid revisionary overtones of metaphysics into a fresh, lively, rejuvenating and powerful interfaith life force. He does not merely aim to answer questions as in philosophical dogmas, but seeks a powerful stillness that dissolves the hard questions of life, while perceiving fresh inspiration in new questions that are at the forefront of individual freedom, coexistence and sustainability of our living planet. A new vision of leadership, management and wellbeing is expressed in easy to relate paradigm shifts in consciousness. Via his insights, Gabriel articulately illustrates his perspective of “hacking away the unnecessary” and “being” rather than “merely, restlessly accumulating and doing”. He conveys using simple to understand prose, illuminating poetry and aphorisms, as well as colourful stories to paint a Renaissance in Global Human Consciousness, hence embarking onto what he calls, “Heart Intelligence”. The implications of cutting edge research on consciousness are explained by the author in view of groundbreaking experiments in quantum physics, genetics, para-psychology and meta-cognition. Gabriel uses vivid imagery to create a dynamic archetype and paints a savvy modern saga in the form of an expressly illustrated journey. This book does not claim to be a “fix all” but pursues the reader into creating a “Talent for Life” via their own journey. Heart Intelligence is a mind bending, soul twisting and a heart churning adventure. So to say, it vibes a chord with everybody as it speaks one’s own words. “You see things; you say, Why? But I dream things that never were; and I say Why not?” George Bernard Shaw Heart Intelligence - Book Trilogy |
IntroductionIn the course of this book we are going to take a journey that reveals an evolutionary shift in human perceptions and consciousness via what I would like to propose as “Heart Intelligence”. It is a shift in Global Human Consciousness and Well Being. What you will perceive here is not written in books and has no language. The book is not based on philosophical, scientific, religious, mythological, metaphysical, mystical, alchemical or poetic arguments, although they all form mere expressions of my research. Perhaps the best I could say is that it is not about adding information, rather on the contrary, removing information based perception, which is essentially limiting. This does not mean that Mental Intelligence is irrelevant, it simply means that the mind based intellect is a wonderful tool, only if subject to a larger awareness based Heart Intelligence. The sequence of the chapters in this book is written as a natural progression and for a comprehensive understanding should be read as parts of the whole. Therefore, I encourage you to stay the course and not conclude with just the parts. Rest assured that this journey into your own Heart’s Intelligence will empower you with a gentle, beautiful and life-affirming vision. This book as illustrated in the Heart Intelligence Archetype is shared as a trilogy in three distinct parts for a pragmatic comprehension, by reflecting on our development as individuals via transcending each part stage wise: Book 1 Powerful Self Consciousness Book 2 Powerful Social Consciousness Book 3 Powerful Global Consciousness To set a premise and explore the hypothesis of Heart Intelligence based civilisation, let us start with some obvious but rephrased questions: a. Why is it that our current predicament as a civilisation is that every time we try to fix old mistakes we bring about new problems? b. Is it possible that we are using an inherently flawed thinking model to solve our problems? Perhaps we should try to look for solutions outside our incessantly mind-centred thinking model. It might well be that Heart Intelligence has the power to: a. Get us out of our obsessive compulsive reasoning and mind based thinking paradox and evolve us into a much required natural solution. b. Move human civilisation non-violently towards a paradigm shift in human consciousness and universal coexistence. |
Illustration of the Electromagnetic Field of the Heart
The conceptual diagram represents the connection between Heart Intelligence Archetype and the Electromagnetic Field of the Heart. The meditating human inside the Heart Intelligence Archetype is depicted as a conceptual illustration of the potential of awakening Heart Intelligence by visualizing and engaging the stages of Heart Intelligence Archetype and creating a powerful transcendental shift at the sub-atomic level of existence and human consciousness. Heart Intelligence - Book Trilogy |
War and Peace Paradox

The diagram illustrates the paradox between war and peace. IQ, although required for our daily survival is almost diabolical for long term survival. HI on the contrary is the origin of Human Consciousness and although we need IQ for our daily evolutionary survival, we must express our latent HI for our long term success as human beings.
Transcendental Model
Sustainable Development Model
of a
Heart Intelligence Based Civilisation
In transcending our current challenges human beings as a civilisation are positioned to move up to new levels of consciousness and energy technologies. Based on emerging possibilities of a Heart Intelligence based civilisation I visualize the following evolution of Human Beings and Future Technologies: